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Save the date! 1st European Conference on Small Forest Holdings

Join us for this event and be part of a European Small Forest Holding network!

The 1st European Conference on Small Forest Holdings will be held from 20 to 22 May 2025 in Rome (FAO Headquarters) in a hybrid format, in person and online.

Mainly organized by the Cesefor Foundation and co-organized by the University of Florence on behalf of the SMURF Consortium. Co-organized by the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) and European Forest Institute (EFI). Funded by the European Commission and supported by the Italian Ministry of Agriculture, Food Sovereignty and Forests (MASAF) and the Spanish Ministry for the Ecological Transition and the Demographical Challenge (MITECO).

This 3-day event is a unique opportunity to engage with private, public and community forest owners, forest owners’ associations and cooperatives, national and regional forest authorities, forest enterprises, professionals and researchers, NGOs and all the stakeholders dealing with Small Forest Holdings (SFH) in Europe.

Practitioners, researchers, and policy makers, together we will explore the needs, risks and opportunities of Small-Scale Forestry in the EU, promoting Sustainable Forest Management and local value chains based on forest products and services coming from European SFH.

The Conference highlights will be:

  • Launch a community of practice on European Small Forest Holdings.
  • State of the art of the EU SFH, their legal framework and the support systems (national and regional) to promote multifunctional forestry.
  • Review of the challenges and opportunities, as well as the recent initiatives to engage forest owners, to finance their forest activities, to avoid land abandonment and to overcome forest fragmentation.

This event is cost-free and will be held in English.

More information will be soon available at this website.