Horizon EU-funded project, coordinated by the Norwegian Institute of Bioeconomy Research (NIBIO) working towards sustainable multifunctional management by small forest owners in support of bioeconomy, biodiversity and climate.
The EU-funded Small4Good project aims to help small forest owners implement multifunctional management and business models supported by digital and AI driven solutions. The project promotes biodiversity and carbon farming through payment for ecosystem services schemes, engaging these smallholders in active forest management. Small4Good’s approach involves understanding the motivations of small forest owners and developing business and management models through a multi-actor living lab approach across Europe, promoting rapid prototyping and implementing realistic, locally adapted pathways towards multifunctionality.
These would put small-forest owners on a pathway towards sustainable and multifunctional management as a basis for a fair and inclusive transition towards the bioeconomy.
The aims of the Small4Good project align closely with the objectives of the SMURF project, as both aim to empower small-forest owners by promoting sustainable and multifunctional forest management practices. By fostering such principles, both projects contribute to creating pathways for small-scale forest owners to actively participate in sustainable development, ensuring their profitability in the broader economic and environmental benefits of a bioeconomy.
Aligned with our commitment to building a collaborative community and promoting cluster activities, both projects came together in October in Palencia, Spain.During this meeting, we presented both initiatives with the aim of exchanging ideas, identifying common ground, and exploring potential joint actions.
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